Privacy Policy

We care about your data and privacy and seek to ensure that we look after any personal data you provide us with or that we may hold. We will never sell your personal data. Any personal data you give us or that we ask you for, will be used to help support your enquires about Sandleford Park East and our relationship with you, such as:

  • responding to your enquiries
  • sending you marketing information that you request about our services or event
  • arranging a meeting
  • meeting our legal obligations

We will only keep your data for as long as we need it and/or where required by law

  • We take data security seriously and have a range of measures to help keep your personal data secure
  • We use cookies and other tracking technology on our website (see our Cookie policy below for more information)
  • If you change your mind about receiving marketing information from us, you can unsubscribe or change the way that we communicate with you at any time.

Who has your data

Your data is being securely stored by Cratus Communications Ltd on behalf of Bloor.  You can find out more here: Cratus is part of the Advocacy Group of companies, but your information will only be used by Cratus to help support your enquiries and our relationship with you in accordance with this privacy policy.


There are six lawful grounds on which we can process data. The relevant one is: Contractual relationship

What kind of personal data we collect:

The kind of information we may collect and use about you will vary depending on your relationship with us. Initially we may collect your name, address, contact numbers and email address, and information about the nature of your enquiry.

We also capture information about how people use the Sandleford Park East website. This may involve placing a cookie onto your computer (or smartphone) which will automatically collect standard internet and website information, for example pages you’ve viewed and any account preferences. We may receive information about the device you are using, such as the browser or IP address. Please see our full Cookie policy below for further information.

Our website may contain links to other third-party websites. If you follow a link to any of those third-party websites, they will have their own privacy policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data.

How we use your personal data and our legal basis:

  • We collect personal data directly from you when you:
  • visit our website and/or submit online forms
  • call us, email us or contact us via social media
  • complete questionnaires
  • make a complaint
  • enter into any transaction with us or request information in relation to entering into a transaction

We may also process your personal data where it is necessary to comply with our legal obligations or for the purposes of our legitimate interests. If we are marketing to you, we will only do so with your consent, or where otherwise permitted by law.

We have set out below the ways we may process your personal data and the legal basis for doing so:

How we will use your personal dataLegal basis
support sales and marketing and respond by email, phone, SMS, social media or post, to your requests for information about our servicesConsent, performance of a contract, legitimate interest (to offer you services that may be of interest to you)
arrange a meeting or telephone call about a business enquiryConsent, performance of a contract, legitimate interest (to offer you services that may be of interest to you)
provide updates on our services or specific services that you have expressed an interest in (direct Marketing – see below for more information)Consent, legitimate interest (to offer you services that may be of interest to you)
liaise with other agencies or third parties (such as local authorities) as part of the delivery of your projectPerformance of a contract, legitimate interest (to facilitate the initiation and completion of a project)
handle any customer service enquiries or complaintsPerformance of a contract legitimate interest (to improve our services)
contact you about satisfaction surveysLegitimate interest (to improve our services)
understand and analyse how you heard about us, your contact with us, improve our website, and adapt our marketing channelsLegitimate interests (efficient and compliant running of our business)
conduct research and development to better understand our customers’ requirements and improve our servicesLegitimate interest (ensuring the long-term interests of our business are maintained)

Direct Marketing:

Where you agree (or where otherwise permitted by law), we will send you information about our services, events, or news which may be of interest to you, according to your preferred methods of communication. Even after you agree and ask us to send you information, you can always unsubscribe/withdraw your consent or change your communication preferences at any time. We will then stop sending you marketing materials. You can do this by using the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of newsletters or by emailing us at using ‘Contact Preferences’ in the subject line.

Retaining your personal data:

We will only keep your personal data as long as it is necessary to support our relationship with you, to meet our legal obligations and support the purposes set out above.

People who may process your personal data in support of our business:

Your personal data may be received and processed by:

  • Cratus employees and auditors
  • Bloor and its Sandleford Park Farm consultant team
  • third party data processors who provide support services to us and who will process your personal information on our behalf. Such third parties may include cloud services providers (such as hosting and email management), other IT service providers as well as marketing companies that we use to distribute materials on our behalf
  • parties that we have a legal obligation to disclose information to for example regulators and law enforcement agencies

In the event that we make changes to our group company structure, for example a re-organisation, sale or merger, we may transfer your personal data to certain parties involved in that process.

When we share your personal data with other parties, we will ensure contracts are in place that impose strict data sharing requirements.

Security – keeping your personal data safe:

We have a range of technical and organisational measures to help ensure your personal data is used responsibly and to help keep it safe and secure. We also take steps to ensure any third party that provides services to us – such as hosting personal data on servers or maintaining our website – also take steps to protect any personal data they process on our behalf.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Your rights and choices over your personal data:

U.K. Data Protection law gives you a number of rights over your personal data such as a right to be informed and to access your information, a right to object to direct marketing and certain other processing, a right to rectify inaccurate information, and a right to erase information to name but a few. Please see below for an explanation of your rights.

Please notify us of any changes to the personal data that you have provided to us by contacting us using the details below.

You can contact us at any time by post or email:

  • Marketing Manager, c/o Cratus at Fora, 180 Borough High Street, London SE1 1LB
  • sending an email to INSERT EMAIL (please remember email is not a secure way of communicating personal data)

Right to know and right to access:

You can ask us if we are holding and using personal data relating to you and if we are, to ask us:

  • why we’re processing your personal data
  • the categories of data we process about you
  • the recipients or categories of recipients of your data (and if outside the EEA the derogations or safeguards relied upon)
  • how long we keep your information or the criteria we use to determine how long we need to keep it
  • for a copy of the personal data we hold about you

Right to rectify:

You can ask us to rectify inaccuracies in your personal data. You can also ask us to complete personal data considered incomplete or to record a supplementary statement.

Right to restrict processing:

You have the right to ask us to ‘restrict’ (block or suppress) the processing of your personal data when:

  • you dispute the accuracy of the data (while we verify matters)
  • the processing is unlawful, and you object to the erasure of the data and request that we restrict processing instead
  • we no longer need the data, but you require it to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim
  • we process your personal data for our legitimate business interests but you object and while we verify the grounds for continued processing

Right to data portability

You have the right to receive personal data you provide to us, in a ‘commonly used machine-readable format’ when:

  • processing is based on your consent or for the performance of a contract, and
  • the information is processed solely by automated means

Right to object:

Based on your particular situation, you can object to the processing of your personal data, that is:

  • based on our legitimate business interests (including profiling)
  • done for research and statistical purposes

You also have the right to object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes (including profiling).

Right to withdraw consent:

When we rely on your consent to process your personal data – such as for marketing communications – you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. We’ll always strive to make it easy for you to withdraw consent, and if you find this isn’t the case, then just email us using the information below, and we’ll aim to resolve your concerns as quickly as possible.

Right to lodge a complaint with the UK regulator:

UK data protection and privacy law is overseen by the Office of the Information Commissioner (the ‘ICO’). If you are dissatisfied with how we handle your personal data under UK data protection law, or how we respond to your rights, you can lodge a complaint with the ICO. See for more information.

We would ask that you give us the opportunity to resolve your complaint before contacting the ICO.

Our complaints procedure is available by emailing:

Contact us:

You can contact us at any time about how we use your personal data or to exercise any of your rights set out above.

You can contact us by post or email us:

  • Marketing Manager, c/o Cratus at Fora, 180 Borough High Street, London SE1 1LB
  • (please remember email is not a secure way of communicating personal data)