Consultation Website

Rectory Lane

Welcome to our consultation website which outlines our plans to create a world-class, short-stay post-operative rehabilitation centre at Rectory Lane in Stanmore. The centre will offer tailored physical therapy programmes, with services and admissions specifically tailored for patients recovering from orthopaedic surgery and related conditions.

Following pre-application consultation on the proposals earlier this year, we have submitted the planning application for Rectory Lane. The full planning application including designs, reports and application documents is available to view via Harrow Council’s website on the planning page using reference number PL/0390/23.

Benefits to the local community

The proposals being brought forward offer a number of benefits to the local community, not only responding to existing health needs in Harrow by complementing existing outpatient services and providing additional options for physical recovery-care, but also creating jobs and supporting other health service providers and businesses in the borough.